Jose: the man with no face
Jose has one of the most extreme facial tumours ever seen in medical history. The 51-year-old, from Portugal, is in danger of being suffocated by it unless he undergoes drastic surgery. Unemployed, he is blind in one eye as a result of the giant weeping growth that has consumed his features; the tumour has taken over his mouth and tongue, ballooning his lips, twisting his gums and breaking his teeth off. The deep, 15cm long growth - which started as a birth mark when he was just 11 - was sparked by abnormalities in his capillaries and veins. It started to get much bigger when he hit 16 and has been expanding ever since. H e recently flew to the UK to discuss the possibility of surgery to remove part of the tumour. But because his mother was a Jehovah's Witness, he refused any surgery because his religion means he can't have blood transfusions. Doctors in London came up with a plan to remove parts of the growth bit by bit - without transfusion.
Huang Chuncai: 44 pound (20kg) tumor on his face
On 2008, a Chinese man named Huang Chuncai underwent surgery to remove a 20kg or 44 pound tumor on his face. The surgery was successful but due to the large size of the tumor, only a part of it was removed at that time. Just a few days ago, Huang Chuncai went into the operating room again to remove another part of that facial tumor. This time, it was a large 4.5kg (9.9lb) chunk of flesh from his face. The tumor was originally 23kg in total. This still leaves 17.5kg of facial tissue from this tumor on his face (1kg was removed in the first surgery and 4.5kg was removed in the second surgery). Huang Chuncai suffers from Neurofibromatosis, a rare genetic disorder that causes growth on nerve tissues.
Huang Liqian: 33 pound (15Kg) tumor on his neck
This man from China finally had a huge tumour removed on 2007, after discovering it 17 years ago. Huang Liqian, 58, first discovered a bizarre growth on the back of his neck in 1990, but chose to ignore it. However, as the years rolled on, it continued to increase in size at a rapid pace, with the growth ballooning to 15kg. Liqian was taken to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongging University of Medical Services in southwest China's Chongging, where he had the tumour removed.
Chen Zongtao: 154 pound (70kg) tumor on his right leg
Victim Chen Zongtao, 29, lives in a remote Chinese village and hasn't been able to afford medical help. The growth first started on his left foot when he was two years old. But it soon spread across to his right leg and engulfed it. Over the years, it has ballooned in size to weigh more than 70KG or 154 pounds. Doctors at the hospital in Changsha, central China's Hunan province, have been probing the tumor. Zongtao is said to be suffering from neurofibroma - a usually-benign tumour originating in nerves. It is not yet clear if medical teams plan to take action on the growth.
Gao An-ni: tumor in her underlip
Gao An-ni, an 8-year-old girl from the rural countryside in An Yuan county in East China's Jiangxi Province, suffers from a tumor in her underlip. An-ni was born with a tumor in her underlip, and she couldn't receive timely treatment for the poverty. On 2007, her father took her to see doctors at the Hospital affiliated with Gannan Medical College. But when doctors there told him that the operation to cure the tumor and the following cosmetic surgery might cost a lot for the family, the father decided to bring back his daughter to their hometown.
Lai Ti Dao: 10 pound (4.5KG) tumor on her face
Vietnam's Lai Ti Dao suffered from a massive Schwannoma tumor, a benign growth that began with a small lump in her tongue but swelled over the years to a size roughly one-third her body weight. The tumor makes it difficult to eat, talk and even walk because its size throws the girl’s small frame off balance. The growth is now dangerously close to cutting off her airway. On 2008, a team of surgeons at the University of Miami had a marathon 10-hour procedure to cut away the growth, which weighted an estimated 10 pounds.
Phuon: another facial tumor, no luck
Phuong is a 27-year old who has a facial tumor that began to grow at age 7, and quickly took over his entire left face, enveloping his eye and ear, clearly keeping him from living a normal life. He has had three surgeries before, but the tumor grown back each time. Recently, no local doctors or international team visiting the area has offered to take his case, due to the risk involved with the blood loss and the need for careful post-op care. This case would be considered a difficult case and booked for a full day in the OR.
Chantal Sébire: Suffered from esthesioneuroblasto ma, died through euthanasia
A retired French teacher, Chantal Sébire suffered from esthesioneuroblasto ma, a rare form of cancer, and fought for the right to die through euthanasia. In 2000, she was diagnosed with esthesioneuroblasto ma, a rare form of cancer of which only 200 cases have been reported in the past 20 years. Sébire refused any treatment at the time of her diagnosis, not wishing to take the risk of the surgery or medications. On March 19, 2008, she was found dead in her home. An autopsy conducted on March 21, 2008 concluded that she did not die of natural causes. Subsequent blood tests revealed a toxic concentration of the drug Pentobarbital, a barbiturate that is not available in French pharmacies but is used elsewhere in the world for the purpose of physician assisted suicide.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Build Your Self Confidence !
How To Build Your Self Confidence
One of the most important steps to achieving your goals in life is to develop a strong sense of self confidence. This does not however involve becoming loud or arrogant. On the contrary, people with genuine self confidence are usually calm and self assured and do not need to 'big note' themselves.
Here are my top ten tips for building your self confidence:
1. Visualise Yourself As The Person You Want To Be
Each morning spend a few minutes visualising yourself as the person you want to be. Think about the way you dress, the way you carry yourself and the way you interact with other people. Seeing yourself as the person you want to become is the first step towards building self confidence.
2. Self Confidence Statement
After visualising yourself as the person you want to be, read the following statement out loud:
"I know I have the ability to achieve my major goal in life. Therefore today,
I demand of myself persistent and continuous action towards achieving my goal"
Reading this statement out loud is a great way to start your day in a confident state of mind.
3. Dress Well
One of the most effective ways to instantly improve your level of self confidence is to dress well and to make the decision to always be well groomed. This does not mean you have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. Instead, just focus on gradually building up a small collection of good quality clothes. Also remember that simple accessories such as a tie clip or necklace can make a big difference to the way you look and feel.
4. Positive Posture
Another powerful way to build your sense of self confidence is to stand up straight and lose the slouch that many of us have acquired over the years. While you may be able to make a change to your posture by simply becoming aware of it, the best way to make a long lasting change to your posture is to practice yoga or pilates.
5. Move With Purpose
A simple but effective tip for increasing your levels of self confidence is to always move with a sense of purpose. In his book 'The Magic of Thinking Big', David Schwartz recommends walking 25% faster than normal. Having a spring in your step lets people know that you have important things to do and actually makes you feel more confident as you go about your daily business.
6. Become A Participant
Have you ever noticed that in most meetings or groups, people immediately head towards the back of the room so that they can remain as inconspicuous as possible? A great way to increase your visibility and sense of self confidence is to make the decision to always sit towards the front of the room and be a participant. When you have something to say - don't be afraid to say it.
7. Connect With Confidence
Another way to quickly improve your self confidence is to practice making a strong first impression. When you meet someone face-to-face, look them directly in the eye, smile broadly, shake hands firmly and say, "Hi Jim, nice to meet you".
Similarly, you can sound more confident on the phone by answering, "Good morning Carol Jones speaking" instead of simply saying "Hello"
8. Build Your Success File
Occasionally your self confidence will take a hit when something doesn't work out the way you hoped. One of the best ways to repair your self confidence in this situation is to keep a folder outlining your past achievements and successes. You should also include any positive feedback that you've received from others.
As you review your success file and fill your mind with positive comments, your doubts and insecurities will quickly disappear and your self confidence will be restored.
9. Preparation
The BIG secret to being self confident that people rarely talk about is - preparation. The more you prepare and practice for an event, the more self confident you will become.
If you are worried about an upcoming event, use your apprehension as a stimulus to take action and practice, practice, practice. The simple but powerful truth is that self confidence grows through repetition and experience.
10. Toastmasters
My final tip for developing self confidence is to join a Toastmasters group.
Toastmasters is a non-profit organisation that helps people from all walks of life to develop their public speaking and leadership skills. In my experience Toastmasters offers a safe and relaxed environment to step out of your comfort zone and develop the invaluable skills of being able to think on your feet and speak in public.
So there you have it!
If you implement some or all of these 10 techniques you'll gradually develop a greater sense of self confidence which in turn will help you to pursue and achieve your most important life goals.
Until next time,
Dare To Dream!
Lakhvir Singh Lucky
One of the most important steps to achieving your goals in life is to develop a strong sense of self confidence. This does not however involve becoming loud or arrogant. On the contrary, people with genuine self confidence are usually calm and self assured and do not need to 'big note' themselves.
Here are my top ten tips for building your self confidence:
1. Visualise Yourself As The Person You Want To Be
Each morning spend a few minutes visualising yourself as the person you want to be. Think about the way you dress, the way you carry yourself and the way you interact with other people. Seeing yourself as the person you want to become is the first step towards building self confidence.
2. Self Confidence Statement
After visualising yourself as the person you want to be, read the following statement out loud:
"I know I have the ability to achieve my major goal in life. Therefore today,
I demand of myself persistent and continuous action towards achieving my goal"
Reading this statement out loud is a great way to start your day in a confident state of mind.
3. Dress Well
One of the most effective ways to instantly improve your level of self confidence is to dress well and to make the decision to always be well groomed. This does not mean you have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. Instead, just focus on gradually building up a small collection of good quality clothes. Also remember that simple accessories such as a tie clip or necklace can make a big difference to the way you look and feel.
4. Positive Posture
Another powerful way to build your sense of self confidence is to stand up straight and lose the slouch that many of us have acquired over the years. While you may be able to make a change to your posture by simply becoming aware of it, the best way to make a long lasting change to your posture is to practice yoga or pilates.
5. Move With Purpose
A simple but effective tip for increasing your levels of self confidence is to always move with a sense of purpose. In his book 'The Magic of Thinking Big', David Schwartz recommends walking 25% faster than normal. Having a spring in your step lets people know that you have important things to do and actually makes you feel more confident as you go about your daily business.
6. Become A Participant
Have you ever noticed that in most meetings or groups, people immediately head towards the back of the room so that they can remain as inconspicuous as possible? A great way to increase your visibility and sense of self confidence is to make the decision to always sit towards the front of the room and be a participant. When you have something to say - don't be afraid to say it.
7. Connect With Confidence
Another way to quickly improve your self confidence is to practice making a strong first impression. When you meet someone face-to-face, look them directly in the eye, smile broadly, shake hands firmly and say, "Hi Jim, nice to meet you".
Similarly, you can sound more confident on the phone by answering, "Good morning Carol Jones speaking" instead of simply saying "Hello"
8. Build Your Success File
Occasionally your self confidence will take a hit when something doesn't work out the way you hoped. One of the best ways to repair your self confidence in this situation is to keep a folder outlining your past achievements and successes. You should also include any positive feedback that you've received from others.
As you review your success file and fill your mind with positive comments, your doubts and insecurities will quickly disappear and your self confidence will be restored.
9. Preparation
The BIG secret to being self confident that people rarely talk about is - preparation. The more you prepare and practice for an event, the more self confident you will become.
If you are worried about an upcoming event, use your apprehension as a stimulus to take action and practice, practice, practice. The simple but powerful truth is that self confidence grows through repetition and experience.
10. Toastmasters
My final tip for developing self confidence is to join a Toastmasters group.
Toastmasters is a non-profit organisation that helps people from all walks of life to develop their public speaking and leadership skills. In my experience Toastmasters offers a safe and relaxed environment to step out of your comfort zone and develop the invaluable skills of being able to think on your feet and speak in public.
So there you have it!
If you implement some or all of these 10 techniques you'll gradually develop a greater sense of self confidence which in turn will help you to pursue and achieve your most important life goals.
Until next time,
Dare To Dream!
Lakhvir Singh Lucky
The Most Powerful Force in the Universe
Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force in the universe. Why would such a great man say something that sounds so silly and trivial? Look at those words again: ‘greatest creative force’. Imagination? Not education? Nor money? Nor luck?
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said that imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known. Before you pass him away as a crackpot, know that Mr. Hill was an advisor to two U.S. presidents, was commissioned by the great and wealthy Andrew Carnegie to teach people about making their dreams come true, and has been thanked by many of the greatest people around the world for the success he helped them achieve. People like F. W. Woolworth (founder of Woolworth’s), Woodrow Wilson (former U.S. President), George Eastman (founder of Kodak), W. M. Wrigley, JR. (Wrigley’s), and many others have used his teachings to manifest their dreams.
Imagination is the force that takes you to places you have never been.
Henry Ford relied on imagination and belief. Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his mind, the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth. Bill Gates first imagines his products before they become actual software that we rely on. And it would serve you well to remember that many of the world’s greatest people started with nothing and built empires. They had a dream. And the universe conspired, as it always does, to let them experience their imagination.
The universe always lets you experience your imagination, whatever it may be.
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said that imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known. Before you pass him away as a crackpot, know that Mr. Hill was an advisor to two U.S. presidents, was commissioned by the great and wealthy Andrew Carnegie to teach people about making their dreams come true, and has been thanked by many of the greatest people around the world for the success he helped them achieve. People like F. W. Woolworth (founder of Woolworth’s), Woodrow Wilson (former U.S. President), George Eastman (founder of Kodak), W. M. Wrigley, JR. (Wrigley’s), and many others have used his teachings to manifest their dreams.
Imagination is the force that takes you to places you have never been.
Henry Ford relied on imagination and belief. Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his mind, the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth. Bill Gates first imagines his products before they become actual software that we rely on. And it would serve you well to remember that many of the world’s greatest people started with nothing and built empires. They had a dream. And the universe conspired, as it always does, to let them experience their imagination.
The universe always lets you experience your imagination, whatever it may be.
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